
U-TURN – Changing Directions to Making a Headway With Your Goals

My mentor bishop David Oyedepo, the presiding bishop of living faith church A.k.a. winners chapel often told me that john, no matter how far you travel on a wrong road you will never get to your destination; your destination can be anything or everything to you depending on your perspective of life. Now lets pause a while and think back to all those yester-years when we had a dream of doing certain things, we had goals we set out to accomplish, we had desires we hoped to fulfill, now let’s narrow it down to one very important task that we never accomplished regardless of what ever excuses we proffer, we know that deep down in our heart if we could turn back the hands of time we will definitely make different decisions, we will most certainly act in different ways than we did, if only we had know that the road we were traveling on was leading to the wrong destination we would have made a u-turn.

A proverbs says if “you do not have a destination then any road will take you there” to live a life devoid of purpose is to live passing through the earth and not leaving an impact on the people around you, come to think of it that definitely is a waste of destiny and life.

You need to do an appraisal of your daily activities to know if you are growing and contributing to the earth’s development and if you are not you need to make a u-turn, you need to turn away from the bad vices that has held you captive, you need a u-turn from the bad influences of drugs, alcohols and other substance abuse.

At the end of everyday we need to ask ourselves a soul searching question; have I lived today to the very best of my abilities, is there a task I procrastinated on or something I ought to have done but left it simply because it was not convenient for me, is there a friend, family or business associate I should have returned their calls which I didn’t, is there someone I should have visited but because it was at the other end of town I simply ignored it, our answer to any of this searching question is yes, then we need to make a total u-turn and be determined to live a better life style based on purpose.

Until you define a purpose for your life you do not truly begin to appreciate how enormous are the things you can accomplish, it is far easier to die for a cause you believe in any body can die for a cause but it will take a man with a well defined purpose and a strong desire to live for a cause they believe in. To live a dream and be both easy and hard depending on your perspective palm readings, what are those plans you have for tomorrow, what are those things you need to accomplish for the future? put pen to paper and write out in clear terms your dreams and plans, no matter how impossible they may look to you today its what you really want to accomplish, when written out it becomes clearer to you, with the power of focus and positive thinking your mind begins to believe that you can accomplish them.

Read it out to your self daily and believe in the power of your mind to accomplish any goals that you set before it.

Think back to all those years you’ve allowed to go by, those unproductive years that you have wasted, if only you had a solid plan for today in as little as five years ago you would have experienced a different result today.

Come to think of it; today is that future you talked about some five, ten, fifteen or is it twenty years ago, do you look back with nostalgia today and wonder how did time fly and leave you behind? Well one thing is sure you refused to make a U-TURN when you needed too, but now its not late you can still correct those mistakes of the past, its not too late until you give up or loose hope that you can’t accomplish the task that is still ahead of you.

Look all around you there are still one or two things you can do that will make an impact on the people around you, there is still one little boy or girl that you can be a role model for, show them the pit falls on the road to success that you passed and help them avoid it, let them know that even if life’s experiences are the best teachers they definitely do not have to stumble and fall to know how painful a bruised knee can be all they need do is asked someone who has been hurt for then to realize how to avoid such pain.

You might just be the sign post that tells the future generations that make a U-TURN now to avoid the life of pain and misery I have lived, no matter what situation you are in you can still make a difference if you tell your life story to someone who might listen to your advice and live a better life than you had lived then you can put a smile on your face that you have tutored a ward rightly and you can live a second chance through your protégée even if its too late for you at least you can make the difference for someone who is about to start his or her life by been the sign post for a better life filled with purpose and the pursuit of the right values.