
This week in the war on workers: Who will be hurt most if Supreme Court rules against public unions?

Who’s going to lose out the most if (when) the Supreme Court deals a body blow to public sector unions in the Janus case? 

While the outcome of the case will affect about 17 million public-sector workers across the country, black women in particular could be hurt by Janus, as they are disproportionately represented in public sector jobs. They make up 17.7 percent of public-sector workers, or about 1.5 million workers.

Black women have traditionally faced a double pay gap—a gender pay gap and a racial wage gap. EPI research has shown that black women are paid only 65 cents of the dollar that their white male counterparts are paid. However, unions help reduce these pay gaps. Working black women in unions are paid 94.9 percent of what their black male counterparts make, while nonunion black women are paid just 91 percent of their counterparts.

Wounding that is part of the Republican payoff for stealing a Supreme Court seat.