
Parkland shooting survivor's message to politicians everywhere: 'Please, take action'

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students David Hogg and Kelsey Friend spoke with CNN’s Alyson Camerota and ABC’s George Stephanopolous in the wake of the mass shooting at their school yesterday. Seventeen people were killed and 14 were wounded when former student Nikolas Cruz went on a shooting rampage. 

Although they are probably still suffering from shock, both the students offered thoughtful, wise commentary about the tragedy they endured. Hogg offered a stinging rebuke of the inaction by politicians on both sides of the aisle who are too cowardly or inept to act:

“Any action at this point instead of complete stagnancy and blaming the other side of the political aisle would be a step in the right direction and working together to save these children’s lives is what this country needs.”



wow… David Hogg, a student who survived yesterday’s tragedy in Florida, looks into the camera to plead with Congress: “Please, take action.” pic.twitter.com/3P8qwJwHfG

— J.D. Durkin (@jiveDurkey) February 15, 2018

In an interview with ABC, David Hogg wisely warned that “This is something we can’t let keep happening and get used to, it’s gonna happen again.” Watch and then jump below for the fuller interview with these two exceptional students.


Florida school shooting witness: “This is something that we can’t let keep happening because if we do and we get used to it, it’s gonna happen again…this is a time for our country to take a look in the mirror and realize there’s a serious issue here.” https://t.co/4kzClIIAOj pic.twitter.com/FGHKv7Qljt

— ABC News (@ABC) February 15, 2018