
INEM – Major Sources of Training for Employees

The cursos inem is a Spanish language sentence which means inem courses. The word INEM is the abbreviation of Spanish sentence INSTITUTO NACIONALDE EMPLEO which means the national institute of employment. This institute has launched many job training courses for unemployed people who are not able to afford such vocational training course from private institutions and therefore are facing problems to find a better and full time job.


The inem and the government of Spain is trying to train these unemployed labor force in such a way, that they will be able to get a good job and improve their living standard as well as, not to be a burden on the countries’ economy by getting unemployment allowances.To do so, the government of Spain has invested more than three thousand million euros for training, in the sector of the labor market.

The major sources of training of the employees are the cursos inem. Although these courses are related to inem that is responsible to arrange or regulate these courses, but practically theses courses are done by autonomous bodies for unemployed labor without any cost or at highly discounted prices with the government backed funding. These autonomous bodies can be a vocational institute in your area, the chamber of commerce of your city or any other teaching organization.

You cannot go to these institutions directly. If you want to attend the cursos inem, you should go to the nearest office of inem in your town that will get you registered as a job seeker, after that you will be allowed to apply for a training course of your choice in a recommended institution.