
How to train a dog

Regardless of whether you buy your pet from a breeder or decide to adopt it from a shelter , if you want your puppy to become a well-behaved dog, you will need to invest time, but above all, have a lot of patience and a lot of love to give. However, if you don’t give up, your efforts will pay off. Remember that if you don’t train your pet well, sooner rather than later he will become a problem dog that no one will want to have around, not even other animals Dog trainers Houston tx.

To train puppies, it is also important that you study well the breed to which they belong. Remember that each breed is different. Which means that what works on one dog, may not work on another. Each type of puppy will need specific training so that it can develop properly. That is why it is essential that you educate yourself first.

If you want to train your dog, you must establish a good relationship with him. But it’s not just about this. You must apply some techniques so that he really learns what you teach him . These are the best tips to achieve it.
Set clear rules from the beginning
It is important that you know that you must establish clear rules for your puppy from the first day he arrives home. This way it will be easier for him to get used to them. But you should keep in mind that these rules should be easy to follow and understand. If you want him to only be in one area of ​​the house, set limits. These can be physical barriers.

It is also important that you do not contradict your own rules. Since, if you break them yourself, he will not understand that what he does is wrong. For example, if you don’t want your puppy to ask for food at the table or while you’re eating something, never give him extra food from your plate.
Accompany him to do his business while he gets used to it
The best thing for puppies is that they can relieve themselves outside. However, we know that it will not be possible to take it outside all the time. For this, the best ally is the newspaper. To train him to relieve himself there, you should spread the newspapers in the corner of the house that you have designated for it. Shortly after the puppy has eaten, take him to that area and accompany him until he relieves himself. And once he does it, praise him several times.
Reward him for good behavior
Training puppies without using rewards is quite difficult. The advantage is that most dogs react very well to food rewards . However, you also have to be careful with them because if they are ‘treats’, they could be harmful to your health. Therefore, it is important that these rewards are small.

But there are also puppies who react better to toys . In these cases you can reward your pet with a toy that he likes, such as a ball, a bone, a braid to tighten and loosen, among others. A disadvantage is that toy rewards require more time. Additionally, the activity could get your puppy too excited and cause him to lose focus on training.
Make sure your puppy knows you have a treat for him
It is not always necessary for your puppy to know in advance that you are going to reward him for some good behavior. But when teaching him to sit or lie down, it is a good idea for him to see what you are going to give him. This is a way to encourage him to do what you ask. Additionally, he will learn that he will be rewarded when he follows orders.
Praise your puppy verbally
But you shouldn’t only reward your puppy with food. You should also apply verbal praise when something is done well. You must do it with a high and friendly voice . Keep in mind that all puppies have a good reaction when spoken to in a happy and affectionate tone.

The tone of voice is important at all times. Therefore, you should also know that you have to use a stern voice when the puppy disobeys you. A key element of training is getting your puppy to be able to differentiate between the voice that rewards him and the one that reprimands him.
Create a daily routine to teach him tricks
Training puppies will be difficult if you don’t establish a routine , especially for teaching tricks. If this is your case, you should create a play routine with your pet for between 10 and 20 minutes a day. Once your puppy is comfortable, you can start teaching him simple tricks.

It is important to have a lot of patience. Remember that it is very likely that you will not achieve anything the first few times. Try to include new and fun things in each of the sessions so that the dog doesn’t get bored and neither do you.
Ignore it for several seconds after it bites you
Puppies tend to bite too much when they are playing. The problem is that they are not aware of how hard they can bite . It is important that you let him nibble you, but you must set limits so that he learns to control himself. As? If it bites you hard you should complain. A little shout will be enough.

When you do this, the puppy will be startled and stop biting you. But not only this, you should ignore it for a few seconds. About 20 will be enough. After that time you must resume the game. You must repeat the same cycle. This way you will make it clear to him that as long as he is delicate you will continue playing. Otherwise, you will stop.

Verbally reprimand him if he has nibbled on something he shouldn’t.
Just as you should verbally praise him when he does something well, when he makes a prank beyond the limits of play accepted by you, you should reprimand him severely, but without abuse. You should never apply physical punishment. Especially because many times what they do wrong, they do it out of ignorance. For this reason you must rebuke him with words.

Don’t call him to punish him
This is extremely important. If your puppy has misbehaved, you should not call him to punish him. It is you who must approach him to reprimand him . If you call him, he will associate that when he goes to you he will receive a punishment. This will make him distrust your call and make him fearful.

Open the doors of the house
Once you have shown him where he should relieve himself, you can allow him to see the entire house. It is best to open one door at a time and do so under supervision . This will ensure that it doesn’t make a mess in any room. You can choose to put the leash on him during the exploration process so he doesn’t get into trouble.