
Diabetes May Cause Massive Hair Fall

We often associate chemotherapy drugs with hair fall but most of us are ignorant of the fact that even diabetes drugs could cast an adverse effect on hairs. Specifically diabetes medications used to lower cholesterol level or to keep cholesterol level under control pave the way for hair fall.

Hair Loss is attributed to various factors. Hair loss may be due to your negligence towards hair care or it could be an outcome of genetic propensity towards hair fall after a certain age hair salon burnaby. If you are constantly under stress, it may also give way to stress. And not to forget about the medications and pills, that result in hair loss as a side effect.

We often associate chemotherapy drugs with hair fall but most of us are ignorant of the fact that even diabetes drugs could cast an adverse effect on hairs. Specifically diabetes medications used to lower cholesterol level or to keep cholesterol level under control pave the way for hair fall. Most of the type 2 diabetics are sure to add to their agony with hair loss as a side effect of medications.

However the rate of hair fall would vary among diabetics depending upon the severity of complications and potency of drugs that are being used to curb the malady and related complications. Be it men or women, both have equal chances of suffering from hair loss due to diabetic medications.

In most of the cases when potency of medication is reduced or usage of certain medicines is stopped there are chances that hairs would be back on your scalp. However you must not be very much worried about falling hairs as medication for diabetes hardly results in baldness or complete hair loss.

If you are diabetic and you happen to be in such a situation instead of brooding over this side effect immediately consult your doctor for suggestions to combat this problem.

When you get diagnosed with type 2 diabetes insulin becomes a regular part of your medication. And statin or other synthetic drugs are used to keep the cholesterol within the normal range. These two types of medications greatly contribute to hair thinning that gradually results in hair fall. Many reports have proved that even diabetic blood pressure medicines could cast the similar effect on hairs.

In some cases drugs used to treat nephrological disorders or kidney malfunctions arising out of high blood sugar level could also have it’s repercussions on hairs. But you must not stop these medications once you experience hair fall instead you should go on asking your doctor for options to re-grow the hairs.

To sum up diabetes happens to be one of the major causes of hair loss so you need to be careful about your hairs or you should rather provide extra care to your hairs once you get identified with diabetes.