
Choosing a New Cage For Your Pet Hamster

Hamsters are generally easy to care for and can make a good pet. You should think carefully about what kind of cage to get before choosing a hamster. Larger cages are usually better than smaller ones, because they provide more space for the hamster to move around in. Hamster cages come in a few different types.

Larger, modular design cages with tubes connecting separate rooms can provide a lot of space and activities for a hamster, but you should consider how difficult it may be to clean before purchasing one. They also tend to cost a great deal more than other types of cages. It’s fine to buy one if you are sure you can clean it often and thoroughly, but your hamster will probably be just as happy in a simpler cage. You can buy other cage types and add toys, tubes, and huts to them instead of buying a fancy cage. Larger types of hamsters can get stuck in tubes or injured, so you should be careful when buying these types of cages.

A popular type of hamster cage has a smooth plastic base and then a wire attachment for the sides and top. The wire can be easily removed, so you can remove any old bedding, food, and droppings, and wash the entire cage out easily. These are fairly lightweight and easy to clean.

Another option is to use a glass cage for your hamster. These are almost as easy to clean as the wire and plastic cages, but they are much heavier and more difficult to move around. They should have a mesh top which snaps on.

All hamster cages need to have a water bottle, which should be washed and filled with clean water daily, and a food dish for food pellets. The food dish allows you to monitor how much food your hamster is eating. Hamster cages should also have bedding, which can be purchased at the pet store. Bedding is more comfortable for the hamster to walk on, and hamsters enjoy burrowing and foraging for food in it.

Many hamster cages come with an exercise wheel. If yours does not, you can purchase one. Smooth wheels are best, because hamsters can get their feet or tails caught in wires. These can allow your hamster to get more exercise. You may also consider buying toys, tubes, or a hut for your hamster. A hamster hut allows the hamster to have an enclosed area to hide or play in, and it can be lined with bedding so it can borrow and dig. You should also buy some toys and chews for your hamster to chew on.

Hamster cages should be large enough to provide plenty of room for a hamster to move and play in. You should choose a design that is easy to clean and maintain. If you get a simple, rectangular cage, you can still make it fun and interesting for your pet by adding hamster tubes, toys, and an exercise wheel.

Tom Woodcock is a Pet Lover, pet product expert. To learn more about Hamster Cages [] and Hamster Supplies [] visit him online.

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