
Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: White House is in yet another Chaos crisis

“The White House is looking for a few manly men. If you have abused your spouse, please make sure there are no pictures. Apply directly to Don McGahn or John Kelly. Knowledge of Russian a plus. No questions asked.”

[Added]: Rob Porter and the Team Trump men’s club: Accused of mistreating women? You’re hired.

[Added]: The White House had to protect Rob Porter to save Donald Trump

John Kelly is a liar (his timeline does not stand up to scrutiny) and a defender of domestic abuse. However, he works in a WH that is okay with this, and all the other Chaos, so long as no one in the press knows about it. But we know about a few cases now. So naturally, there’s shock about the gambling going on in this casino.

So, what happens next?

What happens to John Kelly? (John Kelly must go). What happens to Hope Hicks (Trump has ‘grown increasingly frustrated with Hope Hicks’ )? Oh, and what happens to the country?


Hell of a chyron. pic.twitter.com/lUGp5zMOu1

— Brad Reed (@bwreed) February 9, 2018

Trigger warning: abuse picture below the fold