
Tips for traveling to the Amazon for the first time

Are you going to travel prone to the Amazon and want to know what you need to take into account for it? Well, you’ve come to the right place, here we will give you the best tips and advice for going to the Amazon jungle for the first time, because we know that if you are not used to the heat, humidity and mosquitoes, you must be very prepared. Although, don’t worry, when the important thing is to enjoy the destination, this takes a backseat.

At the outset we can tell you that traveling to the Amazon is a total adventure, because from the moment you take the plane at the airport in the Colombian capital, you begin to have the feeling that you are going to begin a unique experience and you will start thinking about all the adventures that you are going to have. live. In addition, during the flight you can begin to love observing the imposing Amazon jungle Kambo Practitioner.

Before planning your trip, keep in mind that in this destination you can do different activities, such as: with your family, as a couple or alone. The most important thing here is to be able to enjoy the Amazon in a big way.

How should I prepare for the trip?

Our recommendation is that you do not go away unwell thinking precisely about insects, snakes, spiders, mosquitoes, heat, humidity, etc. Remember that everything is a beautiful experience that you will live to remember forever.

Before the trip, it is important to remember to bring fresh, colorful and comfortable clothing, thermoses to fill with drinking water before the walks, sunscreen, comfortable shoes, sunscreen, repellents to prevent bites, and most importantly, a good camera. Of course, because you are going to see many interesting landscapes that you will surely want to photograph.

If you travel with children, it is important that you apply these recommendations very well with them, because we know that we must take good care of them. Additionally, following the tour guide’s advice is vital to prevent children from accidentally getting scratched or hit by the vegetation.

What should I take into account when I arrive in Leticia?

First you will land at the Alfredo Vásquez Cobo international airport, where in September 2019 the first operation was inaugurated after approximately four years of construction of its new facilities, since before the airport was small and narrow, insufficient for the number of tourists arriving at this destination. What happiness!

It is important to keep in mind that the Municipal Mayor’s Office requires the payment of a mandatory tax per tourist, which is in favor of sustainable tourism in the region, just as the investment in the airport was, so it will be with other points in Leticia. Great, don’t you think?

When you leave the disembarkation hall, you will be able to find taxis that serve anywhere in the city. However, there are also motorcycle cars and motorcycle taxis, but they are difficult to find in this place, as it gives priority to the yellow cars. .

As we pass through the main streets of the city of Leticia we begin to observe a diversity of trees that allow you to smell fresh air, a lot of tranquility and, above all, peace. Your adventure will begin there!

What can I do in the Amazon?
Fortunately, the Amazon is a sustainable tourist destination as we mentioned before, therefore, it offers a variety of options to walk and get to know Leticia, the Amazon River and its borders (Brazil and Peru), here we mention some main attractions:

Amazon River Tour
Visit to the indigenous people of the Amazon
Flora and fauna sighting
Walk through the city of Leticia, municipality of Tabatinga – Brazil and the island of Santa Rosa – Peru
Extreme activities such as kayaking, canopy, climbing, hiking, night walks, etc.
Know ancestral cultural stories.

How long can I stay in the Amazon?

Taking into account the number of activities there are to do in the Amazon and that the vast majority last 5 to 9 hours maximum, the ideal would be to stay at least five days to be able to enjoy it and get to know as much as possible.

Likewise, the option of staying even one night in natural reserves and/or indigenous maloka will require more time, so if you follow this tip, we are sure that you will not regret being able to live this different experience and spectacular.

It should be noted that any activity you carry out must be exclusively with tour operators that are certified, as they have expert and qualified guides who will be able to help you with everything you need during the tours.

How much can I spend in the Amazon?

If this question is the one that is most on your mind, our answer is that it all depends on the number of days you stay, the type of activities you do and the hotel or hostel that is your preference. Generally, you can spend between one million and one million 500 thousand Colombian pesos.

Tourism in the Amazon is totally different from any other, because those who are used to big cities will feel completely freed from traffic jams, crowds, tall buildings and noise.

Don’t think twice and visit the Amazon region, a trip that everyone should make at least once in their life and leave with a special memory of the lungs of the world.