
Compare Home Loans

With mortgage interest rates fluctuating considerably over the past year, many savvy consumers are looking for the best opportunity to purchase homes or refinance existing homes loans. A smart move because consumers can save hundreds on their monthly payment and literally thousands on a 30-year loan just by researching the lowest interest rate available. There are many factors to consider when comparing home loans, interest rates and fees. There are websites that compare home loans and mortgage lenders alongside each other so you can see things like who has the lowest interest rates, point and home interest rate Malaysia.

This is a good place to start since you can get specifics for competitive rates. However, comparison of home interest rates is only the start. You must look into all the factors involved in mortgage loans before making this important decision.Let’s start with the home loan comparison websites. First, decide what type of loan is the best fit for your income and lifestyle. There are adjustable rate mortgages (ARM) meaning they fluctuate according to the prime rate. These loans work for some, but a great deal of caution is needed to assure you do not test the limits of your budget by overspending on the principle. Fixed rate loans are just that, the rate never goes up or down. Another consideration is the term or number of years you will pay on the loan. Interest rates are lower on 15-year loans versus 30-year.

Also, remember a good credit score comes into play and generally gets the lowest interest rates.Points add to loan costs in order to secure a lower interest rate. One point equals one percent. One might consider buying points if they plan to stay in their home for a long period. The loan would be costlier upfront but the lower interest rate over time will save thousands of dollars. After reviewing points and interest rates, look at the lender’s fee, the fee the broker will charge to process your loan. Sometimes there is a wide cost range between lenders. Now that you know your loan interest rate, points or no points, and lender fees, look to the average time it takes to process a loan and whether you can lock in rates from the onset or if the rate is determined on the day of closing. It is a bit of a gamble, so research trends and make your decision wisely. One last consideration to compare home loans, go to your personal banking institution and/or credit union to compare their rates. Many times, they will give you the best rate based on loyalty and good credit.