
Cheers and Jeers: Tuesday


Energize An Ally Tuesday

Republicans need to be stomped into the dirt this November. Ripped out of the government root and branch. Repealed and replaced. They are a cancer on this country. They need a major time-out.

Conditions are favorable for Democrats this year by the standard criteria (i.e. generic head-to-head polling, unpopular president, etc.). But working behind the scenes are several groups that are making conditions super-favorable by focusing on getting more voters registered, especially in states where Republicans burst into flames at the thought of free and fair elections open to anyone but white men. Today we’re happy to shine our Energize An Ally spotlight on one of those groups: VoteRiders

VoteRiders is a national nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that provides practical assistance and information to ensure voters have the right kind of ID to vote in their state. VoteRiders is the leading organization focused exclusively on voter ID.

Having focused especially on Virginia and Alabama in 2017, we are now looking at which voter ID states in 2018 will have the highest voter interest in Congressional and gubernatorial races. We will assist organizations in any state (see our growing list of Partners), given the widespread confusion about voter ID.

A recent profile by NBC News points to an example of how VoteRiders is helping citizens wade through the corn maze Republicans have thrown up in 34 states (see a state-by-state breakdown here):

In one instance, [Wisconsin VoteRider coordinator Anita] Johnson assisted a 91-year-old woman whose license had expired (the law requires a current ID) and had decided not to cast a ballot until VoteRiders took up her case.

And 18% of U.S. citizens age 65 and above.

“She was gonna give up and she felt like she couldn’t vote anymore,” Johnson said, adding that the woman did not know seniors can get permanent IDs that do not expire. “That’s how confused she was about the ID process.”

It’s ridiculous that organizations like these have to exist, given that voter-impersonation fraud is a problem in exactly zero states and thus voter ID laws are utterly worthless except for helping Republicans stick their big white thumbs on the scales in their favor. But until Democrats are once again in a position to do something to level the playing field, here we are.

If you feel so inclined (as with all our Energize An Ally picks, C&J is kicking in $25), you can make a donation to help VoteRiders continue their work by clicking here. Or you can send a check to 171 Pier Ave. #313, Santa Monica, CA, 90405. The more people they can help, the bigger the turnout on November 6th. As Kos loves to say at every opportunity: when Democrats turn out, we win.

Follow VoteRiders on twitter here and on Facebook here.

Cheers and Jeers starts below the fold…