Breaking News

Computer tablet provider expects to make $8.8M from inmates

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Selling downloaded entertainment and email service via tablet computers given free of charge to approximately 50,000 inmates in the New York prison system will bring in nearly $9 million in five years for a Florida-based company.…

Advocates for Single-Payer Healthcare Play The Long Game in California

Single-payer rallyBy many measures the rambunctious campaign for a single-payer health care system in California appears to be floundering. A bill that would replace the existing health care system with a new one run by a single payer—specifically, the state government—and …

70-year-old credited with capturing man who fired at deputy

JEFFERSON COUNTY, Mo. – A 70-year-old Jefferson County man caught a person suspected of shooting at a sheriff’s deputy Thursday and leading authorities on a manhunt. The suspect was hiding in the man’s shed.

Deputies were initially called to the …

RightEye’s portable eye-tracking test catches concussions and reading problems in five minutes

 They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, but physiologically speaking, they’re windows to the brain. RightEye is a startup that looks through that window to detect common but often subtle vision issues resulting from concussions and other …

2.6-Acre Park in Southeast San Diego Opens on Former Freeway Route

Southcrest Trails ParkUpdated at 3:40 p.m. Feb. 16, 2018 A revamped Southcrest Trails Neighborhood Park  opened Friday in Southeast San Diego on land originally cleared decades ago for a freeway. The 2.6-acre park opened last year and largely offered open space for …

Al Qaeda operative sentenced to life in prison

Al Qaeda operative Ibrahim Suleiman Adnan Adam Harun was sentenced to life in prison on Friday in New York City.

He was convicted in US District Court in March 2017 for participating in lethal attacks against US and coalition troops …

Digital nomads are hiring and firing their governments

 The nation state has survived wars, plagues, and upheaval, but it won’t survive digital nomads, not if people like Karoli Hindriks have something to say about it. Hindriks is the founder of Jobbatical, a platform that allows digital nomads to …

BMW, Ford Drivers Face Charges in Route 78 Road-Rage Spat

A California Highway Patrol cruiserTwo North County residents face potential criminal charges over a road-rage confrontation that left one of the men’s vehicles overturned in rush-hour traffic on state Route 78, the California Highway Patrol reported Friday. The roadway dispute erupted for unknown reasons …

Why sponsors are breaking up with the Olympics

Few events are more appealing from a sponsorship perspective than the Olympics.

The Games command a global audience and generally celebrate positive and uncontroversial themes like inclusion, unity and national pride.

Yet, in recent years, several companies have ended partnerships …

Sqreen wants to become the IFTTT of web app security

 French startup Sqreen recently launched a Security Hub with dozens of plugins to put you in control of the security of your web app. In many ways, it feels like enabling tasks on popular automation service IFTTT. Sqreen participated in …