
Visit A Plastic Surgeon: The Facts About Botox Injections

A plastic surgeon can help you erase the signs of aging. Botox is a fountain-of-youth treatment that stops wrinkles where they start. This cosmetic procedure will give your face a younger, Visit A Plastic Surgeon: The Facts About Botox Injections Articles revitalized appearance. Botox softens existing wrinkles and prevents them from deepening mobile aesthetics. As it turns out, Botox doesn’t just soften existing wrinkles – it prevents them, too! Here’s the scoop on Botox treatments!

Do you want to zap the wrinkles on your forehead? Wrinkles on the forehead give the face an older appearance. Once you have received Botox injections, the muscles that cause lines and wrinkles to appear in the forehead area are no longer active for a period of 6 or 7 months.

Wrinkles are especially prevalent in the area around the eyes. Thankfully, these wrinkles are very responsive to Botox injections. Botox treatments only affect muscle nerves, so patients don’t experience a loss of feeling in the treated areas.

Do you want to erase the unsightly wrinkles between your eyebrows? Smiling, frowning, and laughing can result in permanent wrinkling in the eyebrow area. Botox is effective for erasing wrinkles and lines in the eyebrow area and it’s safer than plastic surgery.

When will I see an improvement? You will start to see your Botox results within a few days, but the full effect takes about two weeks. After the wrinkles disappear, you will have an improved appearance for about 6 months. With continued use, the effects of Botox treatments last longer.

The benefits of Botox injections are not limited to treating lines and wrinkles. Botox is also effective for treating migraine headaches, uncontrollable blinking, cross-eyes, excessive sweating, arthritis pain, muscle spasms, chronic back pain, and jaw tension. Research also suggests that Botox injections may be helpful for treating depression and anxiety.

When administered by qualified plastic surgeons, Botox injections are safe. The risks of Botox treatments include bruising, discomfort, dry eyes, swelling, and numbness. It should also be noted that women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should stay away from Botox treatments. Physicians say that Botox and babies don’t mix.

How much do Botox treatments cost? The cost of this anti-aging treatment is relatively low, but it varies from area to area. The average cost of a Botox treatment ranges between $380 and $500. Most patients receive Botox injections every 3 or 4 months. If you are on a budget, you should consider applying for a Botox financing plan.

Ever since the FDA approved Botox, millions of people have been singing Botox’s praises. The advantages of Botox have made it a popular cosmetic treatment. Over 3 million Botox treatments are administered in the country every year. It is also important to note that over 90 percent of patients who have been surveyed are happy with this cosmetic procedure.

If you don’t want to live with your pre-Botox wrinkles, schedule a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon in your area. Get yourself a plastic surgeon with experience-someone familiar with injecting Botox. Make sure you hire a viable plastic surgeon since your health is on the line!