
Paul Ryan: We got ours with the tax cuts, now you all have to suffer

If he’s not offering up Medicare or Social Security or Medicaid or food stamps to the gods of the “Debt Crisis” (manufactured by his tax cuts scam), he’s threatening our lives.


.@SpeakerRyan: “We have to fix health care if we’re going to get away from this debt crisis.” pic.twitter.com/A6K7YueF7l

— FOX Business (@FoxBusiness) February 13, 2018

When Paul Ryan says he wants to “fix” health care, he’s essentially saying he wants to see more stories like this one, out of Texas.

A second grade teacher at Ikard Elementary School, 38-year-old Heather Holland, died Sunday due to complications of the flu.

In addition to a classroom of second graders, Holland left behind husband Frank Holland, a 10-year-old daughter, and a 7-year-old son.

Holland fell ill about a week ago and planned to pick up flu medication but felt the $116 copay was too high, her husband said.

She died from the flu because she needed the $116 for her kids. Which is how it should be in Paul Ryan’s world. Although the adherent of Ayn Rand would probably say she should have spent the money on the medicine and let her kids fend for themselves. They’re 7 and 10, they could get jobs, right?