
5 tips to know how to train a puppy

How to train a puppy?
Start training at an early age to avoid bad behavior. Constant training ensures that your dog develops good manners, minimizing bad behavior and allowing its education to be much easier, since the older and more experienced a dog is, the more difficult it is to change certain attitudes. and behaviors towards other people, as well as their relationship with other Dog trainer spring Texas.

Purina® behaviorists believe that positive reinforcement is the most effective training technique for puppies, as they learn to respond to the stimulus to acquire a reward. Your puppy will learn to associate good behavior with praise and affection. Punishment only creates stress and anxiety, which can weaken your relationship with him.

Follow these 5 tips on how to train a puppy

  1. Be consistent
    It is key with any type of obedience training. Every time your puppy does something desirable (even if it’s not during a training session), reward him with enthusiastic praise and an occasional treat: this encouragement will quickly let him know what he’s doing right.

When he does something undesirable like digging a hole in the yard, say a loud and firm “no.” Catching him in the act and correcting the behavior immediately is the best way to show him the difference between right and wrong. Since this time he will not receive a prize; It will be easier for him to know that his act was inappropriate.

  1. Redirect inappropriate behavior
    Get your pup’s attention when he does something inappropriate. You can use a loud, firm “no,” or try using a low sound like “stop.”

When he looks at you, teach him an acceptable alternative behavior or find a distraction. For example, if you catch him chewing on a shoe, get his attention and give him a chew toy.

  1. Praise correct behavior
    When he shifts his attention to the chew toy, praise his behavior. He uses an upbeat, high-pitched voice to say things like “good boy!” Reward him with calm petting or a treat if he reciprocates. Dogs are quite intelligent, so praising him for good behavior reinforces his intuition and good manners.
  2. Use treats
    It’s a good idea to start your puppy’s training with a tasty treat as a reward for good behavior. Over time, decrease the amount of treats you use and increase the amount of verbal and physical praise as rewards. There is no better reward than your love!
  3. End on a positive note
    He always ends his training sessions on a positive note. If your puppy didn’t master the “stay” command during this session, return him to something he knows, such as “sit.” When he sits, give him a reward and lots of praise.