
Sorry, FCC: Charter will lower investment after net neutrality repeal

Enlarge (credit: Steve Johnson)

The Federal Communications Commission’s quest to prove that killing net neutrality is somehow raising broadband investment recently focused on Charter Communications.

Charter, the second largest US cable company after Comcast, “is investing more in its

The doctor responsible for gene therapy’s greatest setback is sounding a new alarm

Toxic effects seen in animals raise questions about new gene therapies for children.…

Enterprises will spend $7 trillion on digital transformation by 2021


Global enterprises will spend more than $7 trillion dollars in the next four years as they struggle to modernize, build a global technology foundation for growth, and support simple, secure, and reliable access to data and services, says the IDC

DOD “Red Flag” exercise ushers in GPS jamming season across West

This is the official 2018 season kickoff for Sitrep, a (mostly) regular Ars video series. We’ll be presenting quick updates every few weeks on the latest tech-focused developments in defense and national security and how those developments affect the world

What the Coincheck hack means for the future of blockchain security

Half a billion dollars’ worth of cryptocurrency was stolen—that’s gotten people’s attention.…

CARFIT And CEA Create A Joint Lab On Artificial Intelligence

CARFIT and CEA Partner

CARFIT and CEA have signed an agreement to create a joint laboratory focused on Artificial Intelligence related to car vibrations and their interpretation. The lab will bring together teams from the List, a CEA Tech Institute, and from CARFIT to …

Amazon to take on UPS, FedEx via “Shipping with Amazon”


Amazon’s plans to take on UPS and FedEx are reportedly coming to fruition. According to a report by The Wall Street Journal, the online retailer’s new shipping service, named “Shipping with Amazon” (SWA), will roll out in Los

Autonomous Cars Will Need “Autonomous Maintenance” Solutions

Nvidia Inception Program

Competition has begun heating up as to who will be the first one to operate a fleet of fully autonomous vehicles, as demonstrated again by recent announcements from General Motors (GM) and Uber.  However, a lot of work is still …

Russian nuclear weapons engineers caught ­­­­minting blockchange with supercomputer

A reproduction of the Tsar Bomba, the biggest nuclear weapon ever detonated, at the Nuclear Weapons Museum at RFNC-VNIIEF in Sarov, where Russia designs and builds its nuclear weapons—and some engineers apparently decided to try to do some nuclear-powered blockchain